Donor Number: 240404

Age:  21

Location: Illiopolis, IL

Ethnicity: White

Compensation: $8000.00

Available: Yes

Previous: No

Proven: No

  • Age (at time of application): 21

    Ethnicity: White

    Mother's Ethnicity: White

    Father's Ethnicity: White

    Do you speak any language(s) other than English? No

    Religion: Baptist

    Are you practicing? Yes

    Height: 5’0

    Weight: 100lbs

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hair Color: Brown

    Skin tone: Fair

    Blood type if known: B+

    Left or Right handed: Right Handed

    Distinguishing features (Dimples, Cleft chin etc...): None

    Number of Siblings: 1

    Sisters: 1

    Brothers: 0

    Are you adopted? No

Family MemberAgeHeightWeightHair ColorEye Color
Biological Mother495'1130lbsBrownGreen
Biological Father505'8140lbsRedBrown
Grandmother (mother's side)704'11115lbsBlackHazel
Grandfather (mother's side)715'8250lbsBrownHeterochromia
Grandmother (father's side)725'4120lbsRedBrown
Grandfather (father's side)705'6130lbsBlackBrown
  • College/University/Vocational School: University of Illinois

    Major: Nursing

    GPA: Unknown

    Did you take the SAT or ACT? Yes

    If yes, score-

    SAT: Unknown

    ACT: N/A

    Favorite subjects in school: Science

    Current Occupation & summary of job duties: Certified Medical Assistant/ mechanic. I work as a student and a unit secretary at a hospital. I am also a mechanic on the side.

    Any exposure to chemicals? Yes

    If yes, what chemicals: Standard chemicals at an auto shop.

    What are your future career plans & goals? Either earn MD after nursing school or doctorates in anesthesia.

    What are your educational goals? 3.6 GPA graduate with honors and enter into above programs.

Level of EducationName of SchoolDate Completed (MM/YYYY)
High SchoolMascoutah High School2020
College/UniversityUniversity of IllinoisOngoing
Bachelor's Degree
Associate Degree
Master's Degree
  • Health History:

    Have you ever been pregnant? No

    Do you have any children? No

    Have you ever placed a child up for adoption? No

    Any history of infertility in your family? Yes- Mother had a miscarriage

    Deliveries: N/A

    #1: Date of delivery: Months trying to conceive:

    Birth Weight: At how many weeks/days did you deliver? wks days

    #2: Date of delivery: Months trying to conceive:

    Birth Weight: At how many weeks/days did you deliver? wks days

    #3: Date of delivery: Months trying to conceive:

    Birth Weight: At how many weeks/days did you deliver? wks days

    Date of last Pap Smear: Were the results normal? Results were normal on 09/02/2023

    Are you currently using birth control? No

    Do you have a regular monthly menstrual cycle (every 21-35 days)? Yes

    Do you smoke? No

    Do you drink alcoholic beverages? Yes - Maybe one every few weeks. Hardly ever and it’s usually a glass of wine.

    Do you use recreational drugs? No

    Are you currently taking any medications? No

    Please describe any medical problems you have had: None

    Have you or any of your biological relatives (including your parents, siblings, aunts, uncle, cousins and children) suffered from: (if yes, explain)

    Physical birth defects? No

    Down Syndrome? No

    Mental Retardation? No

    Ovarian Cysts? Yes - Mother

    Uterine Fibroids? No

    Asthma? No

    Heart disease? No

    Heart attack? No

    Coronary artery disease? No

    High blood pressure? No

    Arrhythmia? No

    High cholesterol? Yes - Paternal Grandfather

    Atherosclerosis? No

    Diabetes? No

    Thyroid problems? Yes - Maternal Grandmother

    Blood clotting disorder? No

    Anemia? No

    Learning disability/ies? No

    Blindness? No

    Hearing loss? No

    Osteoporosis? No

    Dwarfism? No

    Huntington’s disease? No

    Chronic heartburn? No

    Alzheimer’s disease? No

    Parkinson’s disease? No

    Cerebral Palsy? No

    Muscular Dystrophy? No

    Seizure Disorder/Epilepsy? No

    Cystic Fibrosis? No

    Kidney disease? No

    Any type of cancer? Yes - Paternal Grandmother and Grandfather

    Seriously overweight? No

    Multiple birthmarks? No

    Alcoholism/heavy alcohol use? No

    Recreational or prescription drug abuse? No

    Been treated by a psychiatrist? Yes - Situation anxiety. I had some family troubles and lost a few family members. But I am stable and do no need to go on a regular basis.

    Depression? No

    Schizophrenia? No

    Suicide attempt? No

    Other mental illnesses? No

  • Please describe your personality and character: I am highly motivated outgoing smart and extremely caring.

    What are your hobbies, interests and talents? I love working on cars. Hiking running. I was a state runner in high school and have played almost every sport. I ride horses and love to read. I draw in my free time.

    Do you play a musical instrument? Yes - Piano, violin, clarinet

    Do you have any particular athletic abilities? Yes - Played many sports. State runner in high school.

    Do you have any artistic talents? Yes - I draw and write

    What do you like to do in your spare time? I love to read and draw. I hike and ride my bike as well as ride horses too.

    Why do you want to be an Egg Donor? I want to give a family the opportunity to make a family. My mom miscarried and I know how hard it was for her.

    What are your favorite books? I read Ernest Hemingway. One of my favorite books is “The Five People You Meet in Heaven” by Mitch Albolm

    What are your academic strengths? I am good at science and the logical part. I am good at writing when I try and am pretty creative.

    What accomplishments are you particularly proud of? I have my certified medical license; I am licensed in four wheeled auto recovery as well. I will hopefully have my bachelors in nursing soon.

    If you could pass on a message to the recipient(s) of your egg donation, what would that message be? I just want them to be happy and to be able to have the opportunity to start a family. Everyone deserves that.

  • Have you ever been an egg donor? No

    Have you ever been pregnant? No

    How many children do you have? 0

    Any history of infertility in your family? If so what? Yes - Mom had a miscarriage

    What type of egg donation arrangement do you wish to have with the Intended Parents?

    Open (Intended Parents meet you and know you. Exchange email address and/or phone number).


Donor Number: 240300


Donor Number: 240418